British Minister Who Touched Reporter’s Knee 15yrs Ago Resigns

UK’s Defence Secretary, Sir Michael Fallon, has resigned over revelations that 15yrs ago, he placed his hand on the knee of a female reporter.

In his resignation letter, Sir Michael said his behaviour may have “fallen short” of the standards expected by the UK military.

He told the BBC that what had been “acceptable 15, 10 years ago is clearly not acceptable now”.

He is the first politician to quit following recently revealed claims of serious sexual abuse in Parliament.

Political editor Laura Kuenssberg said that sources close to him do not believe he is “some kind of predator”, but that he had not felt that he could guarantee that he would be able to account for every encounter in his long ministerial career.

Theresa May said she appreciated the “serious manner” in which Sir Michael had considered his Cabinet role.

She also praised the “particular example you wish to set servicemen and women and others”.

Fallon resignation letter
Michael Fallon Resignation Letter