Open Letter To Adeherself: Hold Your Head High, Dami!
Dear Dami,
Trusting that this letter will reach you in your usual good spirit.
The first piece of advice you should have received is this, in accordance with S.35(2) of the 1999 Constitution, hereinafter referred to as “the Constitution” you have a right not to answer any questions asked by those who arrested you except your lawyer was present. Events may have overtaken that piece of advice by the time you’re reading this letter.
This letter is not really about the allegations against you, which form part of ongoing investigations. Talking of “on-going investigations”, couldn’t help but notice that the EFCC tweet ended with this line, “all the suspects will soon be arraigned as soon as investigations are concluded” contrary to S.34(4)(5a,b) of the Constitution, which says any suspect arrested must be arraigned within a day of being arrested or 2 days if there’s no court within a 40Km radius from where the suspect was arrested.
It may gladden you to be informed that, as of now, your Fundamental Human Rights may already have been breached. A Fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure) application pursuant to S.46(3) of the Constitution to a High Court may see you re-united with your family soon.
By the way, have you been informed in writing, in a language you understand, of the facts and grounds of your arrest in accordance with S.35(3) of the Constitution? If you haven’t, then that’s another breach of your Rights by the EFCC.
The main purpose of this letter is to encourage you to continue doing what you do best, entertaining your fans on Instagram, as soon as you can and put this sordid episode behind you. That is how to get your life back together.
As an entertainer, being arrested, unfortunately, sometimes comes with the territory. There’s a long list of entertainers who have been arrested, jailed and picked their lives up again with greater fervour after their release.
As this is a piece of (unsolicited) legal advice, it’s not really concerned about what you did or did not do (most non-lawyers find that principle difficult to comprehend). The primary purpose of this letter is to encourage you to keep your head high and reconnect with your Instagram fans as soon as you can.
If the charges against you are still pending when you resume your Instagram skits, avoid the temptation of discussing the matter online at all costs. With respect, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. As a matter of fact, talking about it online while the matter is pending in court could get you into further trouble.
Remember this: whatever you did or did not do, you haven’t been arrested for being funny and entertaining, which are the things you do best.
You should have employed the services of a lawyer by now. If not, get one ASAP.
Finally, Dami, remember this: You are innocent until EFCC prove otherwise!
Wishing you all the very best and trusting that you will overcome this present dilemma by the special Grace of God.
Urnaija legal team